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sexual masochisms造句

"sexual masochisms"是什么意思  
  • Thus, Sexual Sadism would become Sexual Masochism Disorder, and so on ."
  • Examples of these Paraphilias would include fetishism, sexual masochism and sadism and more.
  • It is later revealed that English Boy is a sexual masochism for his own pleasure.
  • Skoptic syndrome can sometimes be motivated by intense sexual masochism, for purposes of sexual excitement ( see paraphilia and apotemnophilia ).
  • These are voyeuristic disorder, exhibitionistic disorder, frotteuristic disorder, sexual masochism disorder, sexual sadism disorder, pedophilic disorder, fetishistic disorder, and transvestic disorder.
  • Sexual masochism that " causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning " is still in DSM-IV.
  • In 1919 in " A Child is Being Beaten " he began to address the problems of self-destructive behavior ( moral masochism ) and frank sexual masochism.
  • Although " Sexual sadism " was mentioned in DSM-I as one of the sexual deviations ( p . 39 ), sexual masochism was not.
  • One case study analysis connected the fantasy with sexual masochism, and suggested that it could be motivated by a desire to merge with a powerful other or permanently escape loneliness.
  • The disorders know as Sexual Sadism and Sexual Masochism are oftentimes confused or hard to separate when their definitions are compared but diagnostic criteria differ slightly between the two and allows for more easy classification.
  • It's difficult to see sexual masochisms in a sentence. 用sexual masochisms造句挺难的
  • "' Sexual masochism disorder "'( SMD ) is the condition of experiencing recurring and intense sexual arousal in response to enduring moderate or extreme pain, suffering, or humiliation.
  • Following a phenomenological study of individual involved in sexual masochistic sessions, Sexual Masochism was described as an addiction-like tendency, with several features resembling that of drug addiction : craving, intoxication, tolerance and withdrawal.
  • Sexual sadism disorder and Sexual Masochism are defined as receiving sexual arousal from the humiliation, pain and or suffering of an individual and are thought to overlap with multiple other conditions due to its description along with diagnostic criteria.
  • All the psychiatric disorders in the list Mental illness ( alphabetical list ) have been allocated a suitable category with the exception of sadism and masochism since there does not yet appear to be an article on the disorders Sexual sadism and Sexual masochism.
  • The text intrigued the public with its frank display of a sexual masochism disorder; In 1912 and 1913, Stamatiad completed and published translations from Maurice Maeterlinck's plays : " Interior ", " The Blind ".
  • The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ( DSM-5 ) of the American Psychiatric Association indicates that a person may have a masochistic sexual interest but that the diagnosis of Sexual Masochism Disorder would only apply to individuals who also report psychosocial difficulties because of it.
  • Following a phenomenological study of nine individuals involved in sexual masochistic sessions who regarded pain as central to their experience, sexual masochism was described as an addiction-like tendency, with several features resembling that of drug addiction : craving, intoxication, tolerance and withdrawal.
  • "The New York Times " called it a " laughably clich閐 dive into sexual masochism ", and " The Village Voice " saw it as a " misery pile up . . . about broken souls and crossed paths destined for the trash heap.
  • Psychologists D . Richard Laws and William O'Donohue state that " Although infantilism is classified as a sexual masochism in the " DSM-IV " and " DSM-IV-TR ", it is questionable whether the criteria for sexual masochism are always met.
  • Psychologists D . Richard Laws and William O'Donohue state that " Although infantilism is classified as a sexual masochism in the " DSM-IV " and " DSM-IV-TR ", it is questionable whether the criteria for sexual masochism are always met.
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